Monday, May 4, 2009

Global warming, Lies, Bad science, Ignorance, Grants, Al Gore, Liberal agendas, Truth about Global Warming

Most people in civilized countries with economies that allow the luxury, are concerned about the
environment. We want clean air and water for ourselves and our descendants.

I do not have the time at the moment to write this, but I felt compelled to do so after reading
another fine, scientific based article, from the Watts up with that blog. I discovered this blog
over a year ago and was impressed because the blog owner, Anthony Watts, has a meteorological
background and applies solid scientific principles and facts to his articles.

If there is a better example of no intelligent life on Earth, I would be hard pressed to
find it.

Global Warming

Just the fact that the high priest of Global Warming is Al Gore, a man that did not even carry
his home state in the presidential election speaks volumes.

What bothers me (and I have a strong math/science background) and many others is that so many
people buy in to a theory that is not based on solid science and then they all pass this
misinformation along and share it with their fellow sheep as if it is the gospel truth. Of
course this fits in nicely with getting government grants to placate Gore and his wacky
agenda followers.

So enough ranting from me. Read the following articles, check out the Watts up with that blog
and start asking some serious questions. And for God's sake, let's all do what we can and
should do to keep planet Earth clean.

Revealed: Antarctic ice growing, not shrinking

New Milepost for Arctic Sea Ice Extent

I knew about the next story and I have been watching the National Geographic folks misrepresent many
stories over the past years. Could this have anything to do with money?

"Those masters of disaster are at it again, and it appears our friendly scientists at that National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) help this story along each year.

It seems that not only is the photography recycled, so is the storyline. It seems to happen every year, about this time. Note the photos show shear failure and cracks, not melted ice. Shear failure is mostly mechanical-stress related, though ice does tend to be more brittle at colder temperatures.

National Geographic reported this story headline last year, March 25th 2008"

"But, as can be seen from the following January 1996 and March 2008 images, there has been hardly any change in a decade. Look at the photos below from the appinsys web site:"

The Antarctic Wilkins Ice Shelf Collapse: Media recycles photos and storylines from previous years

Recent NOAA Study: Climate change not all man-made

Freeman Dyson: speaking out on “global warming”